Prepare Your Own Questions

Show genuine interest in the company and role.

Asking thoughtful questions about the company and role demonstrates your interest and engagement. Preparing a list of questions to ask your interviewer shows your initiative and desire to learn more.

Why Prepare Your Own Questions?

  • Show your enthusiasm and genuine interest in the position

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the company and role

  • Evaluate if the company is the right fit for you

How to Prepare Your Own Questions

  1. Research the company: Use your research to identify areas where you would like more information or clarification.

  2. Focus on the role: Ask questions about the day-to-day responsibilities, expectations, and challenges of the position.

  3. Explore company culture: Inquire about the work environment, team dynamics, and company values.

  4. Discuss growth opportunities: Express your interest in professional development and ask about potential career paths within the company.

  5. Be strategic: Avoid asking questions that can be easily answered through research or that focus solely on salary and benefits.

Last updated